Investor Relations

Understand more about the company investment due diligence process, why it’s important to prepare for, and what to expect while undergoing review.

Ryan Aleman

Ryan Aleman is the Liaison Manager for Kinect Capital. Ryan is a student at Boise State University.


Kinect Capital seeks passionate people to join our team and to grow our impact. Check out our career opportunities.

2023 WeROC Presenting CEOs

Meet the 16 female CEOs who have graduated Kinect’s education and mentoring program to prepare their businesses for fundraising. They will be pitching at WeROC Conference

2023 WeROC Sponsors

Kinect WeROC Conference supports women entrepreneurs who are realizing capital to scale their businesses. Meet the sponsors who support them.

2023 WeROC Agenda

Kinect WeROC Conference happens between September 5 & 6 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Learn about the conference agenda, speakers, sessions.

Valuations and Cap Tables

Cap tables that identifies shareholders and their percentage of ownership sits at the heart of every business entity. The reason is because it states the worth of the company as a Valuation, divided upon the shareholders. Use these resources to learn more about Valuations and Cap Tables.