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WeAngels 101 – Investment Decision-Making

WeAngels 101 – Investment Decision-Making

Investment decision-making is the process of evaluating investment opportunities and selecting the most suitable ones based on various criteria that match your risk tolerances. If you are the lead investor, learn how to close the term sheet to meet your investment expectations.

This session will cover different ways angel investors participate in deals (such as solo, through funds, or syndication), why the investment window is important, and how to ask for information rights or control.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/weangels-101-investment-decision-making-tickets-648328787857?aff=oddtdtcreator

Expert Angel Investor Speakers:

Tessa Arneson from Maven Create, Angela Smith from Origin Ventures, Katie NeilsonMillicent Tracey from Park City Angels, Davis Warnock from Prelude – Mercato Partners


Your ticket fee includes

  1. Food and drinks during the networking session
  2. WeAngels 101 mobile education app providing basic angel investment knowledge
  3. WeAngels 101 homework assignment
  4. Access to the slides and recording from the session


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Who Should Attend WeAngels 101?

This is an education-only program that anyone who is interested in learning about how to think like an angel investor should attend. You do not need to be an accredited investor to participate. Participants are expected to complete learning modules or homework before the sessions.
