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Marc Rasich

Marc Rasich

Shareholder at Greenberg Traurig LLP

Kinect Capital Board Member, 2023

Marc Rasich focuses his legal practice on assisting technology companies, from Silicon Slopes start-ups to global Fortune 100 companies, with their trade secret, trademark, copyright, patent and related business torts disputes. He regularly represents software, nutraceutical and manufacturing companies as plaintiffs and defendants in courts and arbitration tribunals throughout the United States. He has successfully argued cases before the Ninth, Tenth and Federal Circuit Court of Appeals.

Marc’s litigation record exemplifies his practical and strategic approach to resolving disputes. Whenever possible, he seeks to resolve claims through summary judgment and other dispositive motions, with the goal of helping his clients avoid the expense, and uncertainty of trial.

Marc also relies on his deep business litigation experience to help high growth companies identify, protect, and grow their intellectual property and proactively identify and mitigate legal risk. His proactive approach allows businesses to identify and address legal issues more effectively across business operations and alleviate unnecessary litigation costs.

