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Michael Keene


Prof. Keene is currently both a member of the Dept. of Management faculty and the Director of the MBA in Technology Commercialization Program in the Bill & Vieve Gore School of Business at Westminster College. Dr. Keene holds a B.A. in Biochemistry from Princeton University, an MBA and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Harvard University, and over the last 35 years he has conducted and managed programs in fields ranging from environmental remediation to fuel cells and cystic fibrosis.

Although widely published during his research career, he soon left academia for industry, and was one of the four founding scientists of IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., the worldʼs largest supplier of specialty oligonucleotides to the global biotechnology industry).

He has since been an executive, founder or board member for a number of other technology-based firms, including Ceramatec, Inc. here in Utah. Prior to joining Westminster, he was appointed to serve as both the State Science Advisor and Director of the Utah Centers of Excellence Program under Governors Leavitt and Walker.

A co-founder of the Utah Life Science Association (now BioUtah), he remains an active consultant, company mentor, and external reviewer for both the University of Utahʼs Technology Commercialization Office and the State of Utahʼs Technology Commercialization & Implementation Program.
